Monday, May 20, 2013

summer, swimming & snow cones

This past weekend, we took the plunge (literally) and swam for the first time of the season. 
It was a little on the chilly side, but with a temp of 100 degrees, that eventually starts to feel refreshing. 
I convinced my kids that we needed to get "hot" before we go in, as if 100 degrees wasn't hot enough! So, I put the boys in the stroller and the girls got on their scooters and we briskly walked a 2 mile walk. In mid-afternoon, I might add. Let's just say we got hot
So, we swam and ate snow cones....
I can do this.....bring on the heat

dress//kohls   shoes//steve madden   clutch//american eagle

LOVE & HUGS....Libby


  1. You look beautiful, Libby! I really like that dress on you :)

  2. P.S. You must get you beauty from your big sis ;) haha...
    I love are so beautiful!!

  3. After seeing you yesterday, I caught a glimpse of that dress and was hoping you would do a post about it so I could find out where you got it ;) You look always!!
    I'm heading to Kohls!

  4. Your your too sweet Tab!! Thanks!!
