Friday, February 8, 2013

hat kind of day

Ok, usually when I wear a hat its because I'm having a bad hair day. Yup, today is hat day! There is a little explanation as to why though. Not sure anyone actually cares, but guess what?.......I'm going to tell ya anyway. I know you are all just sitting on the edge of your seat waiting, right?! 
Well lets start off by saying, I almost always wear my hair curly/wavy. For a couple reasons. First, it is honestly easier and faster to put a few curls in with the curling iron since I have naturally wavy hair. I let my hair air dry, usually overnight, and then touch up the lions mane with some curls in the morning. Second, for some reason I don't like my hair straight. I'm not sure if its my hair, or the way I'm doing it, or what. Just not a fan. Plus, since my hair is so thick, it takes me F-O-R-E-V-E-R to flat iron. And who has that much time with four?!.....not this chick!
So a couple of days ago, I decided to flat iron it. Yes, I'm one of those that doesn't wash my hair everyday. My hairdresser actually suggests I don't.....I'm not dirty, just following orders! My hubby thinks this is the weirdest thing ever. But what do guys know anyway! So anyhow, once again I didn't like how my hair turned out straight, so thought I would try to curl it on top of the flat ironed hair. Well we all know how that doesn't!
 And thats why it is a hat kind of day

tank//h&m (similar)   cardigan//forever21 (similar)   cords//ae   flats//target
belt//abercrombie & fitch (old)   necklace//llltrends   hat//hubby's

LOVE & HUGS.......Libby

1 comment:

  1. Very cute outfit. Everyday is a hat day at this house.mommy to one and i rarely do my clue how you do it.
