Wednesday, March 20, 2013

5 things

I have been tagged in "5 things" about myself, from the lovely Courtney over at To be quite honest, I have struggled about what to share. I'm pretty much an open book, so not sure what I could tell you all that you already don't know. So bare with me and if they are dumb and not "5 things" worthy......I'm sorry!

1.  I secretly really want to be a surfer girl! The idea of having a jeep with a surf board on the back while cruising the coast is enough for me. But then you have the beach wave hair, hanging in your bathing suit while at the beach under gorgeous weather.......whats not to love?! Even the boho vibe......ahhh, I'm getting lost just thinking of it all! 

  2.  I am super anal about my teeth. Brushing, flossing, gargling.....the whole nine yards. And I just love going to the dentist and getting my teeth cleaned. Its ok, your more than welcome to call me crazy after that statement. The smooth feeling of freshly polished teeth......its priceless! 

  3.   I am a very touchy, feely kind of person. Before you think I'm weird.....let me explain. First of all, its only ones I'm close to. Obviously, that being my hubby and kids. I am always hugging, kissing, wanting to hold them.....yada, yada yada! But even to others I'm a hugger. And not the pat, barely want to touch you kind of hug. Sorry, but those bug me......just saying! I'm talking a good tight hug. 

  4.  I can still do a back handspring after all these years. Yes, there will always be a cheerleader inside of me somewhere. Its like riding a bike......its something I will never forget how to do. Well, as long as my body can hang. 

  5.   And last, I'm a cryer!!  My hubby would say thats an understatement. It doesn't matter if I'm happy, sad, tired, angry, if somethings funny,  those little tears just manage to find their way out. What can I say, I have a heart! 

There you go, 5 things about myself you may or may not cared to know, but you got it anyway. 
Thanks Courtney.....actually enjoyed this!

If you follow me on Instagram, I apologize for the repost of this outfit. 
But was asked about it, so here it is.....again

shirt//limited (similar here)  shorts//forever 21 (similar here)   shoes//gap outlet (similar here)

LOVE & HUGS......Libby


1 comment:

  1. I can see you as a surfer girl!! :)
    And I too am SUCH a crier!! If I laugh hard, it's like I'm weeping.Sappy commericals commercials..cry. When I give someone a sentimental gift...I cry, even if they aren't! :)
    I like to think God just wants us extra tender for a reason :)
