Tuesday, March 26, 2013

old & outdated

I have to start by saying how proud I am of myself. Yes, I am tooting my own horn. Just go with it for a minute. I am cleaning out my house and actually getting rid of stuff. Ok, this is sounding like I'm a hoarder...eek! Really I'm far from a hoarder, except when it comes to my clothes. For some reason I tend to hold on to my clothes and shoes. I feel as soon as I get rid of something, that very next day I will wish I had it for a certain outfit. Even though I haven't worn it in f-o-r-e-v-e-r (kid from Sandlot voice)! Or I think, it may not be in right now, but fashion always comes back around and I will then wish I had it. 
But who am I kidding!! Will I really wear it again......probably not. Were not talking vintage here.....no just some old, outdated clothes. Plus I should know myself by now to realize that even if those styles do come back around, I will want to go shop and get something new anyway. 
So, you can understand why this is such a big deal that I am actually getting rid of things. I took my clothes and went and sold them, and was quite shocked how much money I got.  Which has now resulted in me wanting to sell everything!! So much so, that we have decided to have a garage sale this weekend. My hubby jokes with me, saying he better bolt down any and everything he wants, because I just may sell it! And he's right! You never know, what you will find in "my" garage sale. 

shirt//h&m (similar here)    shorts//LA boutique (similar here)   wedges//kohls (similar here)

LOVE & HUGS........Libby


  1. Your clothes being sold....sounds like heaven to me!!!!! If I could fit in them I would BE THERE! Some ladies are going to be SUPER blessed!!!!

  2. such a cute look girl! and you're lets are fffiiiittttt!! total mom babe ;) i don't throw much away either if that makes you feel better...

    1. Oh my goodness Street Lily.....you are just too kind!! And yes, it does make me feel better that I'm not the only one having trouble departing with my things :)

  3. Seriously?! You're selling your stuff and I'm not going to be in town to buy it....crap!
