Monday, March 18, 2013

iPhone pictures

Well, Spring Break has came and gone! Why is that a "vacation" always goes by so fast?! And our dreaded work week drags on forever?! Who am I kidding?! I don't even have a typical work week. Yes I am a firm believer that a stay at home mom is a job, however, I do have the leisure to come and go as I please. So what am I even complaining about?! Not sure, sounds pretty nice if you ask me! Although that paycheck that you all get, doesn't really come my way. But how can I complain when I get payed with love, joy and laughter?!  And that is one thing not matter how much money you have, you can not buy!! 
But anyway.......all that to say it just flew by. I did have a great time over this past week though and thought I would share my week through my iPhone here you are! 

Had to start it off with a selfie....eek,
too old?! 
 and of course my new favorite pants

 Zoo Trip with the bestie and our 
"forty" kids

Splash pad fun with the cousins

  Baby Shower, celebrating beautiful mama to be Elyse

 And of course a Costco run

Hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break too!!

LOVE & HUGS........Libby


  1. Love your new pants!! And Elyse looks so cute in that dress, love the color =)

  2. I love your pants! Too cute, Libby!
