Monday, April 15, 2013

Summer lovin'

The summer is fast approaching.......
and to be quite honest, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I do really love, love summer. The colors, the clothes, the freedom to do things with my kids. However, it is beyond hot! I mean if we had a beach,  I would welcome the heat with open arms. But all we have here is good ole' man made lakes. 
Now, don't get me wrong......I love going to the lake and wake boarding and surfing. But its just not the same as the sand between your toes, the crispy salty air and the smell of seaweed. And even those seagulls that you love to hate.
 Thats the inner wanna-be surfer girl coming out. 
But I really need to look at the glass half full though. It could always be worse, right?! We could have humidity, or rain with constant doom and gloom. After all, doesn't the warm sunshine just make the heart happy?! 
Okay, summer....I guess I'm officially ready for ya! 

tank//h&m   pants//h&m (similar here)   shoes//jessica simpson (similar here)

LOVE & HUGS....Libby