Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ugh....that's all that can be said about this

    Fun, eventful and ugh......that's the words to describe my weekend.
 Friday evening we started the family get togethers with a little birthday party for my nephew at my house. And we even had grandmas home cooking....mmmm!! 
But Saturday didn't start off so good. We found a scorpion! Ahh...I just hate those little suckers. 
Now, let me give you a brief history with my family and scorpions. 
We bought a house after we got married, and soon found out very shortly that it was infested with them. There's nothing like laying on the couch pregnant after a long day at work, and having a scorpion fall from the ceiling fan on my pillow. Yeah....that was exciting. 
Let's just say we lost count in the 40's.......and those were only the ones inside.  Not to mention one of my daughters got stung on the foot. We ended up moving and swore I would never live in a house again that had scorpions......well, I was wrong. 
Sunday came and we had a great Easter celebration with family. After being gone all day we come home and my hubby found another scorpion in our closet, on his shoe. And just a week prior my other daughter got stung in the hand. So we have had 4 scorpions inside in less than 2 weeks. And a total of about 30 in less than 2 years. 
 To say we are fed up, is an understatement!!! So he we are trying to move. Again. 

Some pics of the fun, eventful part of the weekend
 my kids are so freaking cute......just saying

Hope you all had a little less bugs on your Easter weekend!!

LOVE & HUGS.......Libby


  1. I strongly dislike scorpions!! Ouch and yuck all at the same time! Adorable pictures, though!!

  2. Oh, I can honestly say it's turned into hate....and I don't hate things.

  3. Libby move to Surprise Farms... just sayin
    xo kyla
