Saturday, January 26, 2013

Girls Day

Yesterday was a day that was very much needed! I got to hang out with one of my best friends/cousin/fellow blogger for a girls day.......yup, no kids!! Now when I say cousin, really our husbands are cousins, but that makes us related, right?! To be quite honest, everyone thinks we are the ones related. Sisters, cousins, twins......we have got it all. We have even been mistaken for one another. I think you get my drift. 
We started off my getting a manicure and catching up! Both long overdue. Its funny how you can see someone so often, yet realize you really haven't had a good heart to heart in a while. This journey called life, can just flash before your eyes, if you don't take time to smell the roses. We then headed to one of our fav restaurants.....Pita Jungle. Now if you have one in your neck of the woods, it is definitely a must try! You will LOVE it! My hubby is your typical meat lover, hamburger, all American kind of guy. He has actually turned the corner and likes it. Folks, this is big!!! No, I'm not sponsored by them......its literally that good!
All in all, it was a wonderful day with a great friend. 
Check out her blog.......she's amazing!

sweater//h&m  tank//h&m  pants//pacsun (similar)  shoes//kohl's  scarf//forever21  necklace//llltrends

This is an old one, but can you see the resemblance? 

LOVE & HUGS........Libby


  1. You guys look more like sisters in that pic than you and I =)

  2. Oh phooy, this phone...never mind, disregard that last post. Anyway, love the leggings, or are they jeans?

  3. haha, aww friend what a fun post! I had such fun the other day. Ben and I were just saying the four of us need to go out now! Love ya girl!
