Friday, November 9, 2012

Grease Lighting

At the age of 8, my parents decided to move our family from Indiana to the desert of Arizona. My sis and I were not happy campers. I mean what kid likes change?! Not only were we leaving our friends, but pretty much all of our extended fam. To keep our Indiana roots at bay, our parents decided that every summer we would go back. This wasn't just a week vacation......oh no, I'm talking the entire summer! Now this was some music to my ears. 
There was a lot of fun and memories from all those summers, but one in particular. Drum roll please.........the watching of GREASE over and over again! Probably was not expecting that one, huh?!   My cousin and I could not only quote every word, but we would make up dances to the songs too. One summer in particular, the whole extended fam, went to Tennessee to visit my uncle. Now it was tradition there that we have a talent show. I bet you will never guess what my cousins and I did......that's right, sing not one of the Grease songs, but the whole soundtrack! Karaoke, I might add.
Needless to say, I will never forget it!

So here I am, keeping those memories alive, Olivia Newton-John style!
Tell me about it, stud........

denim shirt//h&m  tank//h&m  pants//cotton on  belt//target  scarf//world market  boots//cotton on
sunnies//ray ban  watch//fossil  zipper & spike bracelet//livelaughlovetrends

LOVE & HUGS........Libby


  1. Man, you are a natural. You've got this bloggin thing down! No bloggers block for Libby. Haha Lovin it!
