Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Saturday's Best

Our church has recently started Saturday night services. Well, when I say recently I am referring to a year or so. That is still considered recently, right?! The hubs and I decided Saturday's would work better for us. I mean we could actually get to church on time. Living 45 mins away and getting 6 people ready for church at 9am was a challenge. Who am I kidding.......we still manage to be 5-10 mins late almost every week.....ugh! 
I used to be a very punctual person, but my hubs on the other hand, well let's just say if he is 5 mins late to him that's early. His car license plate isn't L8AGINN (late again) for no reason. And now I have managed to take on his irresponsibility. Like how I blame him?!.....well its definitely not my fault, kidding!
 I am still not used to "Saturday" church. I mean growing up my whole life attending church on Sunday and now switching it up, just takes some time to get used to. 

 Keiley & Piper: sweater//target  pants//target  shoes//children's place
Race: thermal//children's place  shirt//target  pants//babies r us  shoes//converse
Zane: sweater//children's place  pants//children's place  shoes//old navy
Me: sweater//target  skirt//target shoes//target  belt//h&m  necklace//livelaughlovetrends

LOVE & HUGS........Libby


  1. You have a beautiful family!! And I love Target too! :)

    1. Thanks Sarah!!!, love, love Target!! :)
